Sinners, sin no more. There's a new app for your IPad and iPod Touch to help you with confession. It even has the blessing of the Catholic Church. This won't replace face-to-face confessions with a priest. Instead, the $1.99 confession Roman Catholic app offers a step-by-step guide for followers, password protected, of course.And new trouble tonight for Elsa Peretti Teardrop bracelet Lohan. The Los Angeles district attorney's office says Lohan will be charged tomorrow with felony grand theft.COOPER: What?SESAY: She's accused of leaving a jewelry store -- oh, yes.COOPER: I leave -- I leave for a few days and this happens?SESAY: And guess how much it was worth?
COOPER: I have no idea.SESAY: Twenty-five hundred dollars. She left, allegedly, without paying for it. Her attorney is saying that she's innocent and will fight the charges.I know you used to Atlas charm bracelet the reality show.COOPER: I used to watch -- I watched a few episodes of that show called "Living with Lohan." She wasn't even on it. The whole thing was like a scam.Anyway, all right. We usually end the show making -- with something to make you smile, the "RidicuList." We had one prepared for tonight. Frankly, we ran out of time. That's the way it goes. We thought our discussion was more importantUp next, the latest from Egypt. More coverage ahead.Content Atlas toggle bracelet programming copyright 2011 Cable News Network LP, LLLP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Prepared by CQ-Roll Call, Inc. No license is granted to the user of this material other than for research.
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