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2011 FEB 5 - ( -- "Profitability improvements after the privatization of a large state-owned bank might come at the expense of reduced access to financial services for some groups, especially the rural poor. The privatization of Tanzania's National Bank of replica Rolex explorer men watch RRX0905002 provides a unique episode for studying this issue," scientists in the United States report."The bank was split into the ''new'' National Bank of Commerce, a commercial bank that assumed most of the original bank's assets and liabilities, and the National Microfinance Bank, which assumed most of the branch network and the mandate to foster access to financial services.

The new National Bank of Commerce's profitability and portfolio quality improved although credit growth was slow, in line with the privatization experiences in other developing countries. Finding a buyer for the National Microfinance Bank proved Replica Rolex Oyster Perpetual Date Submariner 16610 Classic SS difficult, although after years under contract management by private banking consultants. Rabobank of the Netherlands emerged as a purchaser," wrote R. Cull and colleagues.The researchers concluded: "Profitability has since improved and lending has slowly grown, while the share of non-performing loans remains low."Cull and colleagues published their study in the Journal of Development Economics (Pursuing efficiency while maintaining outreach: Bank Replica Rolex Submariner date watch rrx0904011 in Tanzania. Journal of Development Economics, 2011;94(2):254-261).

For additional information, contact R. Cull, World Bank, Development Research Group, 1818 H St. NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA.The publisher's contact information for the Journal of Development Economics is: Elsevier Science BV, PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands.Replica Rolex Submariner men's watch rrx0904003 gift with b Physicians of Indiana, which employs about 200 general practice physicians for Community Health Network, wants to tie in the IRN studies to its focus on chronic disease management, inclusive of diabetes, asthma, coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, dementia, and back pain.

Par haishihongxia le mercredi 09 février 2011


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