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What's the asking price? Montague won't say.How much would it cost to move the bedraggled exhibits and restore them to their former splendor? Montague doesn't know.How long does a potential buyer have to act? Not very.replica TAG Heuer Aquaracer watches rtg0904003 Gardens will begin disassembling its exhibits Feb. 13 and will close its doors to the public Feb. 21.Potential buyers, Montague says, should call right now.But what if you want just one terra-cotta soldier for your garden? (Or two, because one would be lonely?)Check, where Forbidden Gardens' staff has begun to list all matter of things that the theme park won't need anymore: tools, benches, vases, porcelain figurines, tiny Chinese palaces ... and yes, at least a few of those warriors.

"We are selling a variety of terra-cotta warriors for just $100 each," states one listing. "We are willing to make a deal if you buy in bulk."Alicia Mendez, Forbidden Gardens' tour director, explains that the Craigslist ad Replica Rolex Yacht Rolex - GMT-Master II watch rrx0904027 concern the warriors currently on display. Right now, she says, the staff is selling off extra soldiers - spares kept in storage, intended for displays that were never completed. The pair in the Craigslist photo appear moldy.And the little porcelain figurines, offered for $1 each? Mendez says those aren't the doll-size royalty, concubines and Replica Rolex Watch Submariner Classic SS rrx0904012 who currently populate the theme park's Forbidden City. They're salvaged from other exhibits - such as the Temple of Heaven, which collapsed awhile back.

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Par haishihongxia le lundi 14 février 2011


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