They typically find affect of (ph) papering in the range of 10 to 20 percent. It's been going on for a very long time, and I'm very hopeful that if we can get this scholarly work into the hands of Congress, then, they'll finally do something about it.NAPOLITANO: How, though, do federal salaries go up? Does the congress vote raises? Do they get cost of Tiffany 1837 on sale increases? Is there a scale that they follow that they get a raise for every year they're on the job? How does that work?RICHWINE: It's very regular. They have a cost of living increase, and they have step increases, so that each year you gain experience, you want to get more money.
And in fact, when President Obama announced the pay freeze last November, it was a two-year pay freeze, that was a freeze on the cost of living adjustment, not a freeze on the step increase. So, federal workers will still get that step increase as they normally do. So, actually, we'll see some increases in their money, anyway.NAPOLITANO: All right. Tiffany Bangles on sale I let you go, why does the guy who runs the post office perennially broke and the worst in the business Tiffany Bracelets on sale delivering things overnight make more than the president of the United States?RICHWINE: The post office has among the highest paid federal workers in terms of relative to their skills in the private sector. All I can say is it's a very strong union. I have no other explanation for you.
NAPOLITANO: All right. Jason Richwine from the Heritage Foundation, it's a good report. Thanks very much for doing it for us and thanks for joining us here.RICHWINE: Thank you.NAPOLITANO: And now a few items from our "Freedom File," an unnamed student at Sierra High School in Colorado Springs, Colorado has been prohibited from taking the Tiffany Cuff Links on sale -seizure medication that was prescribed by his family physician. That's because his doctor prescribed medical marijuana lozenges that suppress his seizures more effectively and with fewer side-effects than traditional anti-seizure medicines.
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