Even though, Colorado has legalized medicinal marijuana, if this student were to take one of his pills at school, the school would accuse him of possessing an illegal drug. This school has completely lost touch with reality. It is invading its privacy. It is interfering with his relationship with his physician. But what else do you expect from a Tiffany Earrings on sale bureaucracy?The federal government's obsession with milk regulation knows no bounds. The Food and Drug Administration banned the interstate sale of unpasteurized milk due to safety concerns. This raw milk prohibition has led to S.W.A.T. team style drug raids on dairy farmers that we've reported about here on FREEDOM WATCH.
Because people will ingest what they want, this absurd raw milk ban has created, no surprise, one of the largest black markets in the United States.While it is true, that someone can get sick from Tiffany Key Rings on sale unpasteurized or raw milk, that's not a reason for the FDA to ban it. The illness is temporary. It's a free choice made by the consumer. Remember, what we decide to put in Tiffany Keys on sale bodies is a right, not a privilege, but the government rejects this and still wants to tell us how to live, what to eat, and apparently, what to drink.And when it comes to government workers caught breaking rules on camera, the government in Canada is just as camera shy as in some states in the U.S.
The Toronto Transit Commission has taken out ads requesting that bus riders there not take photos of city bus drivers while they are texting behind the wheel. What are these people afraid of? That residents and taxpayers of Toronto will realize they're paying incompetent and negligent and dangerous bus drivers? Perhaps the fear of being caught in the act Tiffany Money Clips on sale force the drivers to put down the phones and drive more safely. This goes to show that even with our neighbors to the north, the government is more concerned with saving face than saving freedom.I've said this before and I'll say it to you again. You are free to photograph the government anywhere in public. With respect to freedom and transparency, the camera is the new gun.