Tiffany Signature bangle colors

As with all tine jewelry trends, these trends can be found in a wide range of prices that meet the demanding needs of the economy today. For more information on fine jewelry trends or to find a reputable jeweler in your areaCarol Brodie has been collecting jewelry since age seven, when she persuaded her father to buy her a gold-plated set that Tiffany & Co. bangle spotted on the back of a cereal box. Decades later, Ms. Brodie, who designs a line of jewelry sold on the Home Shopping Network, owns more than 500 pieces.To manage her collection effectively, Ms. Brodie makes sure to organize her jewelry box once a month, and she recommends that most women do it at least once a season.

"Each season calls for a different look" in jewelry, she says, and women can take the occasion to remind themselves of what they've collected over the years. Also, "jewelry needs to breathe," she says. "If you store jewelry in a place with no air for an extended period of time, the metals can change color."When Ms. Brodie goes over Tiffany & Co. bangle jewelry collection, she decides which pieces to keep out and which to store away for the moment. When fall arrived, for example, she put away pieces made of coral and wood, as well as ones inTiffany Signature bangle colors, replacing them with more ornate pieces featuring stones of richer hues such as deep purple and red.She makes sure to give her pieces a quick cleaning by soaking them for 30 minutes in a bowl of warm water mixed with a capful of Johnson's Baby Shampoo and a bit of ammonia.

She then wipes them off with an old cotton T-shirt--using this method for all jewelry except pearls, which she just cleans gently with a damp soft cloth.Ms. Brodie believes there's no reason to ever toss away jewelry--even single earrings. "Each piece of jewelry has a moment, meaning or memory," she says, noting that orphan earrings "make great pendants or Heart Band Bangle for bracelets."Sometimes, cleaning out her jewelry box will remind her of a ring she no longer wears that would "look great hanging from a charm necklace or bracelet." She sometimes repurposes old brooches by hanging them on a wide satin ribbon to be worn as a choker or attaching them to a plain satin evening purse.


Par haishihongxia le samedi 19 février 2011


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