As soon as I joined Second Life Synagogue, blue note-cards began appearing in the upper-right-hand corner of my computer screen inviting me to attend virtual candle-lighting ceremonies on Friday afternoons, Discount Tiffany Keys me that I still had time to enter the virtual sukkah-building contest, that Fish Fry Bingo would be playing a raunchy, Jewish-content concert live at The Ark, and that I could study Rashi at Yeshiva Modim with GruvenReuven Greenberg on Tuesday evenings.I tore through my clothing inventory (an avatar's virtual closet) until I found a modest skirt with a coordinating sweater, a pair of fashionable boots, and a tasteful pair of gold earrings - all items that I had acquired free at one of the many shops catering to new SL residents. Once I had my avatar dressed, I teleported to my first Second Life event. (N.B. To "teleport," I clicked on the small blue box marked "map" at the bottom of my screen.
A menu of landmarks appeared and I clicked on "Second Life Synagogue." Immediately another box appeared asking if I'd like to teleport to this location. I clicked "teleport" and my screen went black. I Discount Tiffany Earrings hear the sound of air rushing past as a blue horizontal bar began moving across the screen to let me know I was nearing my destination. As soon as the bar reached the far side of the screen, the lights flashed back on and I could see my avatar standing in the synagogue.) About a dozen avatars were already gathered at the back of the shul where five sets of candles were ablaze, having been lit by avatars from earlier time zones.The crowd was diverse. There was a guy in shorts and a T-shirt with a Jewish star on the front; Discount Tiffany BraceletsGreenberg was there in a black shtreimel (the fur hat worn by Hasidim), tzitzit (the traditional fringed garment), and a Grateful Dead shirt; andjieux Shepherd was dressed in jeans, a T-shirt, and a Groucho Marx nose, moustache and glasses.
One female avatar was dressed for a Japanese tea ceremony, and several others were wearing what might charitably be called "club clothes," so skimpy they were virtually naked. An angel with enormous wings was hogging more than her share of available space, while Shmoo Snook, a dapper but diminutive rabbit, was heckling a guy in a cowboy hat. (N.B. If you have a microphone Discount Tiffany 1837 a headset, you can participate in live-voice conversations that can be heard by everyone in the room; if you don't, you can type comments in your chat box that will appear on the bottom of the screen for everyone to see. Private conversations may be conducted in IM or via SL phone calls.) I stood there in my Hadassahlady getup feeling more conspicuous than I ever had in my life.
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