A ner tamid, or eternal light, burns above the ark and two giant candelabras with crayoncolored candles stand to either side. The wall behind the ark appears to be made from iridescent glass that permits a muted view of trees swaying in the courtyard.Beth listed the synagogue as a Second Life location, advertising its existence to all SL residents. (In other words, if a person went into "search" and typed the word "Jewish" or "synagogue," a photo of the new synagogue would appear along with an offer to teleport the resident to its location.) Tiffany 1837 on sale realizing it, she'd created the first Jewish content in Second Life. It took only two days tor a nascent Jewish community to begin coalescing around the new structure. Curious avatars, soon dubbed "Javatars,"
began wandering in from Great Britain, South Africa, Australia, Israel, Germany, Argentina, Spain, and every time zone in the US. Beth welcomed the newcomers, showed them around, answered questions, Paloma Picasso on sale soon knew many of their real-life names and stories. Beth's openness about her own real life, combined with her non-judgmental attitude and excellent listening skills honed by her real-life training as a social worker, invites people to share information with her that is usually kept secret in Second Life.I interviewed some of SL Synagogue's 1,123 Elsa Peretti on sale members for this article and found out a little about their real lives.There's Chaim Teichman (in Second Life, we only use avatar names) who grew up knowing he was Jewish, but with no understanding of what that meant.
Fifteen members of Chaim's family were lost in the Holocaust, leaving deep scars on the family psyche. Chaim's father moved his family to a small town in upstate New York with no viable Jewish institutions and threatened to disown his children if they ever became religious. Chaim, a college student, snuck into SL Synagogue behind his father's back, more furtively than if he'd been perusing Tiffany Notes tag bracelet sites.Namav Abramovitz is a little older, in his mid-twenties. He's been wheelchair-bound and hooked to a respirator for the past 10 years, a victim of mitochondria! myopathy. He attended university where he earned a B.A. in creative writing, but he's home now, in Mobile, Alabama, and isolated from other young adults.
I switched off my computer and went downstairs to light real Sabbath candles with my husband for the first time since our children had grown up and left home. Some months later, speaking with Beth, I learned that 75 SL Synagogue members had told her they started lighting real-life Sabbath candles after lighting them in Second Life.There are many Tiffany Necklaces on sale to visit in Second Life, but SL Synagogue remains the place I feel most welcome. At first I was primarily a voyeur - I didn't have the technical skills or experience necessary to function as a full participant - and the natural shyness that inhibits me in real life followed me to this world as well. On the holiday of Sukkos, I wandered in and out of the sukkahs being erected in the courtyard outside the synagogue and was charmed by their eclectic mix of traditional fruits,
lulavs and etrogs [ritual fronds of myrtle, willow and palm, and citrons], fanciful art, meditation cushions, and tables suspended in mid-air. (Why? because people in Second Life aren't bound by real- Tiffany Keys on sale constraints such as tradition or gravity.)The courtyard hummed with activity as avatars worked on their various projects, chatting, asking each other for help, and running in and out of one another's sukkahs to admire and advise. Something genuinely Jewish and communal was happening here. My definition of "real" began to shift and to stretch. I Tiffany Earrings on sale to think, maybe it does depend on what your definition of "is" is.Central to all this activity was the omnipresent Beth Odets (her avatar's name), clearly the queen bee of this bustling hive.
An early resident of Second Life, the real-life Beth Brown first arrived as an artist curious about working in three dimensions. She bought the virtual landmass on which the synagogue was built in June 2005, and dubbed it TMA for "Tragically Misunderstood Artist." She spent the next year playing, learning, and networking in Second Life without Tiffany Bracelets on sale particular agenda - certainly not a Jewish one. Then in August 2006 she created a synagogue just because she wanted to show some nonJewish friends what a synagogue felt like.Second Life Synagogue was created from Beth's memory of all the synagogues she'd ever known. She lined the walls with large mosaic murals, made rows of pews facing a raised bimah, and left out the gender-segregated seating that would mark it as an Orthodox house of worship.
The conversation kept returning to a single overriding concern, "Where 's Beth? Has anyone seen Beth? Is Beth coming?" Comments were made in a free-for-all of typing and live voice, the banter friendly, teasing, and often profane. Someone had just proposed that if Beth didn't show, we could simply "pretend" to light the candles - Beth was the only one who knew how Discount Paloma Picassomake the virtual candles actually flicker and glow - when a petite, dark-haired avatar wearing a plaid shirt and overalls landed on top of the lady in the flowered kimono. Awkward entrances are a common Second Life occurrence.Beth apologized for being late. One of her kids had been rushed to the emergency room because of a real-life mishap, but she'd made it back in time to bless the virtual candles with us. (Actually, this was only one of the six virtual-candle lightings she presides over each Friday,
allowing observant avatars from different time zones to participate without violating the Sabbath.) Beth greeted several of the congregants, reminded us that she'd be playing a bluegrass concert in The Ark - the neighborhood hot spot - at 8:00 SLT (Second Life Time - otherwise known as Pacific Standard Time), then streamed the music that accompanies the Discount Elsa Peretti over the candles.The room grew silent and respectful as the angel, the cowboy, the rabbit, the disco queens, and the Hadassah lady watched Beth perform the magic that makes the virtual Tiffany Sets on sale flicker to life. "Baritch Atah Adonoi, Eloheinu Melech ha'Olam, asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotav it'tzivanu I'hadlik ner shel shabbaf appeared in the chatbox at the bottom of my screen. "Amen," typed the angel, "amen," typed the cowboy, "amen, amen, amen," added each avatar in turn. "Omein," typed Shmoo, the rabbit who types with a Yiddish accent.
Jieux Shepherd passed out free bottles of "wearable mani" (miniature bottles of Manischewitz wine) that attached to our hands when we clicked on them and animated our avatars to drink. (Jieux had bought the Manischewitz as well as its facility to enact guzzling.) We resembled an AA meeting that had tripped and fallen down all 12 steps as the last bars of "Yerushalayim Shel Zahav" faded Tiffany Pendants on sale our computer speakers."Shabbat sttahml" "Shalom haverim," "Gut Shabbos," appeared in the dialogue box at the bottom of my screen as the members of SL Synagogue wished one another a peaceful Sabbath.I sat at my computer in a suburb of Cleveland feeling warmed by the fellowship and quirky religious observance I'd just shared in a virtual world.
As soon as I joined Second Life Synagogue, blue note-cards began appearing in the upper-right-hand corner of my computer screen inviting me to attend virtual candle-lighting ceremonies on Friday afternoons, Discount Tiffany Keys me that I still had time to enter the virtual sukkah-building contest, that Fish Fry Bingo would be playing a raunchy, Jewish-content concert live at The Ark, and that I could study Rashi at Yeshiva Modim with GruvenReuven Greenberg on Tuesday evenings.I tore through my clothing inventory (an avatar's virtual closet) until I found a modest skirt with a coordinating sweater, a pair of fashionable boots, and a tasteful pair of gold earrings - all items that I had acquired free at one of the many shops catering to new SL residents. Once I had my avatar dressed, I teleported to my first Second Life event. (N.B. To "teleport," I clicked on the small blue box marked "map" at the bottom of my screen.
A menu of landmarks appeared and I clicked on "Second Life Synagogue." Immediately another box appeared asking if I'd like to teleport to this location. I clicked "teleport" and my screen went black. I Discount Tiffany Earrings hear the sound of air rushing past as a blue horizontal bar began moving across the screen to let me know I was nearing my destination. As soon as the bar reached the far side of the screen, the lights flashed back on and I could see my avatar standing in the synagogue.) About a dozen avatars were already gathered at the back of the shul where five sets of candles were ablaze, having been lit by avatars from earlier time zones.The crowd was diverse. There was a guy in shorts and a T-shirt with a Jewish star on the front; Discount Tiffany BraceletsGreenberg was there in a black shtreimel (the fur hat worn by Hasidim), tzitzit (the traditional fringed garment), and a Grateful Dead shirt; andjieux Shepherd was dressed in jeans, a T-shirt, and a Groucho Marx nose, moustache and glasses.
One female avatar was dressed for a Japanese tea ceremony, and several others were wearing what might charitably be called "club clothes," so skimpy they were virtually naked. An angel with enormous wings was hogging more than her share of available space, while Shmoo Snook, a dapper but diminutive rabbit, was heckling a guy in a cowboy hat. (N.B. If you have a microphone Discount Tiffany 1837 a headset, you can participate in live-voice conversations that can be heard by everyone in the room; if you don't, you can type comments in your chat box that will appear on the bottom of the screen for everyone to see. Private conversations may be conducted in IM or via SL phone calls.) I stood there in my Hadassahlady getup feeling more conspicuous than I ever had in my life.
Beth's openness about her own real life, combined with her non-judgmental attitude and excellent listening skills honed by her real-life training as a social worker, invites people to share information with her that is usually kept secret in Second Life.Through the millennia Jews have created vital, supportive communities in myriad unlikely locations. So it was not surprising that Elsa Peretti Open Heart bracelet I wandered into the three-dimensional, computer-generated virtual world called Second Life, I found not only Second Life Synagogue, but a virtual "mitzvah mobile" already parked around the corner.Second Life allows users to fall through their computer screens into a richly rendered world where they can interact with objects and other people in a surprisingly fluid and natural way through the mediation of an avatar - a virtual representation of oneself.
It's a varied environment with many of the same charms and opportunities, temptations and pitfalls, as real life. When first entering Second Life, some avatars simply enjoy the scenery, visiting virtual Discount Tiffany Sets and museums like tourists anywhere. Others spend their first weeks shopping to upgrade their avatar's wardrobe and appearance. Some head directly for the sex clubs, where they spend their "second lives" in an orgy of virtual sex.The more fanciful might recreate themselves as small furry beings or fairies. But most people, interestingly, fashion second Discount Tiffany Pendants not terribly dissimilar from their real-life identities: The politically active join groups that promote real-life causes; the socially conscious work for sustainable energy or accessible healthcare; sailors join sailing clubs; actors find theaters; and nice Jewish girls do what they always do when they move to a new neighborhood. Join a synagogue.
I joined Second Life Synagogue in September 2008, just after the High Holy Days. Membership was free and no one hit me up for a contribution to the building fund, although there was an impressive structure that I imagined had been built and paid for by someone. I later learned that Second Life buildings cost almost nothing, but virtual land can be expensive, and, as in real life, Discount Tiffany Necklaces is no avoiding taxes. The latter are called "tiers" in SL, and they're payable to Linden Labs, the real-life company in San Francisco that keeps all the invisible cogs and levers moving. Tiers are payable in "lindens," the Second Life currency which trades for reallife U.S. dollars (as well as euros, yen or pounds) at the current exchange rate of 245 lindens to the U.S. dollar. I discovered that the monthly tier for the virtual land where the synagogue sits (as well as the community acreage around it, harboring such structures as, for example, seasonal sukkahs in a courtyard) is $195 U.S. dollars.
The look of layered necklaces is currently in vogue, and Ms. Brodie enjoys mixing old and new pieces. She likes pairing shiny new pieces with antique jewels or ones that look "a little oxidized, blackened," explaining that "it instantly updates something that could look fussy or old."For instance, sometimes she'll pair a 36-inch gold chain that she loops twice around her neck with a necklace bearing an antique locket from her grandmother. "I like every piece of jewelry that I wear to tell a different story," she says.She Heart tag charm Toggle bracelet careful to store her fine jewelry in a home safe. Before doing that, Ms. Brodie wraps each piece individually in a pouch made of a soft material like satin, suede or velvet. (Storing them in the original boxes would be "too cumbersome," she says.)
"The biggest mistake that women make is: They throw their jewelry all together in a jewelry box," she says. "They'll all scratch each other." Even hard stones like diamonds, she notes, can get nicked by other similarly hard gems. She winds necklaces several times around a folded business card so the chain doesn't get tangled up in storage.She puts Paloma's Grown of Heart bangle of the items she wears more frequently into large jewelry boxes with multiple drawers, so that each ring and set of earrings can have its own space. But Ms. Brodie also hangs Tiffany 1837 bangle worn necklaces and bracelets in standing acrylic holders she purchases from the Container Store. "I want to see my jewelry," she says. "It's wearable decor."Patdiam Jewellery Pvt. Ltd. was established in 2004 at SEEPZ, Mumbai. The company is engaged in manufacturing of diamond studded gold jewelry. PJPL deals in bangles,
bracelet, earrings, necklaces and pendants. The group concerns engaged in the similar business namely Patdiam (Mumbai) and Patdiam Inc, USA. Patdiam Inc has been closed down in FY 2009. Recent Result: The company recorded a net profit of Rs.0.70 crore on an operating income of Rs. 45.65 crore for the year ending March 31, 2010.The agency Tiffany Somerset Bangle the following press releaseICRA has assigned an A4 (pronounced A four) rating to the Rs. 22.00 Crore1 bank facilities of Padiam Jewellery Pvt. Ltd. (PJPL) +.The rating reflects the company's small scale of operations;